
Our software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3). That means that you are free to use it and modify it as you wish as long as you let people know that it originally came from us. The exact license terms for each package can be found in the LICENSE.txt document included in the download.


Like most of you, over the years we've written a bunch of software that makes our lives easier. Nothing spectacular, just quality utility packages and framework plugins that provide that extra bit of functionality. Everything we do is FREE and Open Source.

Our immediate focus is publishing a backlog of Python utilities and Plone add-on products. Along the way we will also add some Java packages that we are developing for the Fedora Commons project. As we add packages to the repository, we will document them in the project wiki.

Who "We" are

For the moment, "we" are one developer, Rick Moore. You can contect him at rick moore at gmail. Most of our online material is written in third party form so that it won't have to be changed as new developers get on board.

To join the project, contact the site administrator. Be sure to include your SourceForge user name and tell us why you want to join.